Tuesday, July 27, 2004

TESTING and trying to publish Bruushair to the public, hehe.

Monday, July 19, 2004


* manejar por playas a las 12 de la madrugada como si hubiera olvidado la ruta a mi casa.
* montar una bicicleta que no avanza y darle a los pedales con todos mis muslos y nalgas.
* tomar un cafe caliente en pleno verano con un amigo que escucha y me mira a los ojos.
* quedarme en mi casa para ver una pelicula que ya habia visto.
* sonreirle a la luna.
* vaciar cajones para ver que encuentro al fondo de ellos.
* bailar con mi bebe sobrino y pasar los genes de las piernas bailarinas a otro mas.

El juego de azar no resulto como esperaba, barajeo las cartas esperando conseguir una mejor mano, le faltaba una pieza al rompecabezas y no me di cuenta hasta ya haberlo casi armado, game over, wanna play again?

Sunday, July 18, 2004

mmmmmm so what do ya know? Multi-orgasms are actually possible.... I think I can easily get used to this new information in my life.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

When I counted all my demons,
saw there was one for every day
with the good ones on my shoulder
I drove the other ones away.

Everything's not lost

Saturday, July 10, 2004

El otro dia mi amigo FAB me llevo a jugar golf, bueno asi lo cuento yo, pero en realidad fuimos al RANGE a tirar bolas. Estuve horas nada mas pegandole a una bola imaginaria entre señores con shorts y zapatos blancos, cuando por fin me dieron una bola, pegarle a la madrecita esa resulto mas dificil de lo que yo imaginaba. Pegarle y levantarla del suelo se logro por fin, no sin antes dejar mi spot de tiro con casi nulo zacate, me fui con un brazo y espalda adolorida, la cara quemada, porque nadie me informo la importancia de usar esas nada stylish cachuchas, y una sonrisota. Me encantan que me inviten a cosas que nunca se me hubieran ocurrido a mi sola.
se aceptan mas invitaciones, anybody? hehe.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

always leave a MESS when you come and visit. And this time that you came to say no more visits would come after that one, you left the biggest mess you could ever have left. Like always you leave me just lying there... holding this BIG package full of shit over my head and warn me not to move, skirm or breathe for if I do this shit will drop all over me. Crying I take a big spoon and swallow it, I say : "Look at me! I am becoming a bullshit professional swallower" but you only smile, tickle, and hold me a while before you leave. I dare not say another word for fear of making you leave even sooner. I want to say "DON'T GO" or even the desperate "TAKE ME with you" or the pathetic "You know I can wait for you"... but with every heavy package you have landed on me, reads the tag "No fairy tales included"; besides we both know you would come back or take me IF you wanted to, and you have always known that I would follow or wait. It is not a question of control, its just plain knowledge.
So begging makes no sense, and I make myself unable to speak swallowing my last bites of crap as I kiss you good-bye and close the door once again.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

En un libro robado por Omar foglio, decia DIANE DI PRIMA: Si todas las calles te recuerdan algun momento de tu vida, es tiempo de mudarse de ciudad. Si todas las canciones te recuerdan algun momento de tu vida es tiempo de morir.

Pronto sera tiempo de mudarme de mi querida Tijuana y necesito nueva seleccion de musica, aun no estoy lista para morir.

Tijuana single's life means looking totally hot, dancing on a dance floor around men and girls that all give you lusty glares, stares and touches, only to walk to your car alone and sleeping with your vibrator as a pillow book.
Nadie quiere perder el estilo, fucking is just so damn HUMAN, and there is nothing stylish in being a commoner.
Or so they say....

my brother, my sister, my lover, my family, my dance partner, my Friday and Saturday cocktail buddie, my hero, my hair stylist, my giant, my favorite diva, my own live pop star, my quedadilla profesional chef, my fashion designer, my psychologist, my music teacher, my L I F E companion.
Carlos hits 24 today. one more year and we turn into a quarter my friend, ready to put it into the juke box and see what the next soundtrack has instored for you baby.
VEro and BRUU loves ya.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Crashing into ghosts had never seemed so pleasant.
For once the past was left inside the luggage and forgotten, spinning for hours, alone, into the merry- go- round without even noticing that we had already left to spend the night in this high class MOTEL.